i love him with all my heart and he loves me just the same. She rarely texts me and when she does she usually only texts me to ask about my friend or to invite me out with them. But one thing that bothers me about her is how clingy she is. She and I hit it off immediately because both of us were Indian, loved dance, and were going to attend the same high school. My friend group were considered "losers", as per a rumor. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I'm 17 (female) and my boyfriend's 17 too. I don't know that reading it solved my attachment mismatch in my relationship, but it did help me in these 2 ways: 1 understanding that my partner has different needs and that's ok 2 understanding that it's not 100% on my partner to change their attachment needs to fix the relationship problems. A few weeks ago I really started to miss my friends and I realized how much my relationship took me away from them. not that i couldn't but I didn't speak at age 4 and wet my bed until 11. She has never judged any part of me and has always been by my side when I’m not doing well mentally. We had mutual friends and sort of met up one night after talking on Instagram DM. for background, we’ve been together almost a year. I message most of my friends several times a week for sure, even if it’s just with a joke or a meme. I'm not entirely sure what she wants and she selfdom feels unpredictable in my eyes. ” You’re a fun person, and she wants to spend more time with you. I love her. For my case, I told the guy straight up that he needs to calm down his texting, he did not take it the right way and called me a slacker. I moved in my senior year to a small town, and they are the only person I've been able to connect with. My situation is kinda complicated right now. He literally told me yesterday that “When you’re not home I’m literally like a puppy waiting for you. Now you may be going "well just say i dont want to be friends and forget he exists," but the thing is that we are in the same classes for every lesson at school, so it is hard to avoid him. tl;dr: my best/old friend of ~20 years is not such a good friend, but freaks out & starts lovebombing me when i try to distance myself. I'm just suspecting now that my friend is busy with school work since their graduation is in 2. My (20f) friend (20 gender-fluid) recently got dumped. It just makes me uncomfortable that he thinks of me this way and expects me to do things close friends would do. We talked about everything, almost every day, and shared a few of the same interests. I have a set of friends who live together, spend 6-7 days a week together. As hard as it may be, just tell her the truth, that you don't think you guys are a good fit for friends. except for one thing…. Yes, it makes me sound like a horrible person and like I said I feel awful but right now the only option seems to be to ignore him like the rest of his "friends" are My best friend and I met in our first year of law school, became very fast friends and have a LOT in common. This friend (who I'll call J) was insecure and had low self-esteem due to experiences in her life, including some type of disability, and I was "the only one However, Gertrude and my friends never got along, even though the other girls in my friend group were also in our sorority. She has way more experience than I do and expects me to behave certain ways. I want to preface this by saying I know he has absolutely no romantic interest in me, nor I in him. This. Now I know that's not the end of the world, but the problem stems from the fact that her parents have both passed on with her mother being the most recent departure. She got upset with me last night for going to bed earlier than I usually do blames my boyfriend for everything even though he is more than accepting of my rude and crazy best friend. He only did it with his family. Call the police. I have a (female) friend who I'm pretty super close to at the moment. X saves any pictures of me to his phone he finds on my Instagram, Snapchat or discord. My boyfriend is very clingy. I want to know what ways can help me through being a less clingy person? I have hobbies, however, I’m trying to build my social skills more. we’ve had our ups and downs but lately things have been pretty great. Thinking back, I realized I really was. We used to be a group of friends but us two are the only ones who live in the same area. You described my exact situation with my beet friend. They constantly want to hang out, text me throughout the day, and get upset if I don't respond immediately. I don’t have any friends that I would describe as clingy. My son is very much independent and outgoing and wants to play different games. I reached out to a mutual friend to ask if they heard from my friend and they hadn't in a few days. I saw a lot of potential for a good friendship. She also changes very quickly between emotions. X made me delete all friends I had on xbox because I 'dont talk to them' and it 'should just be me, him and my partner's Needless to say I already have enough on my plate to deal with on a daily basis (work stress, existential crisis regarding my career and personal stuff). She got more clingy and competitive when she found out he was dating me. You know what we mean. Last year I made a friend who was very depressed and sort of attached herself onto me very quickly. He is clingy and touchy both of which are annoying my child. If you can edit your story down to 500 words or less then we can approve it. She consumed my entire life for 8 years. I make time to see Kim once a week, and it’s never enough. My best friend and I met in a college class and have been friends ever since. And mostly I am very burned out during the weekdays, I want me time during the weekend. But y I think I have been the clingy friend at times even in events in the last week or two. The friendship between them is a good one and I trust that he has no feelings for her but shes always acting like his gf, touching him up and play fighting and encouraging so much crap. Honestly, I think it's probably too late to use the 2nd option. Sometimes my clinginess has drove people away. Our best friend M17 who i'll call "XYZ" started getting very touchywith me when my Bf wasn't around. Also, off-topic side note: I love that Cap linked to the song You, Me and Steve in her response, because one of my family members is getting married soon and his best man is his friend Steve, and they've been joking about playing this at the reception. I have a wonderful friend who listened to my problems and stuck by me throughout my recovery period after being cheated on. Also, the guy thinks me of his best friend, and i'm worried that if i tell him to get lost, he'll break or something like that. Im so clingy to my best friend becuase im afraid she’ll leave me. She texts me and Snapchats me literally all day long and she calls me every morning and evening. Talking to my friends now I realize that she never talked to anyone in the group but me and would always push my other friends away. At first it was a really supportive and sweet friendship and I felt genuinely recharged by her presence. The issue is, she’s extremely clingy. For example, after a work out at a machine, she will pick up all of my stuff and carry it for me to the next workout machine. Maybe it's wrong, I don't full ghost them, but I definitely quit doing things with them. We met in grade school and while we were not fast friends, I think we bonded some over a mutual friend, our similar interests and severe trauma from our mothers. We've been friends for about 2 going on 3 years now, and we're really close. She don’t know her boundaries and it affected me a lot. 10 votes, 26 comments. Ok need some advice because I don’t know how else to approach this with a friend who is just super clingy. His clingy friend never stopped being so clingy, she always asked him to hangout with her without me, come over at her place without me, an hour or more phone call, a lot. So i told I need a break, because I need to spend that time on myself to improve myself. But I was texting one of my new good friends now and he told me that I need to slow down the texting and talking to people because I'm way too clingy. She was amazing to me and I reciprocated her kindness by listening to her many problems, cooking for her a lot, letting her stay with me and I bought her gifts whenever she bought me things I'm still excellent friends with all of them, and I've picked up a few new friends along the way. :/ If it bothers you, tell her, but do it nicely. My fiancé had one of these. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. I'm really introverted, so I have a hard time making friends. This friend was toxic because she was clingy, overly attached, and bordering obsessed, and wouldn't stop doing the things that made her that way. Plus, as they get older, they do not have many friends and when they are friends with someone younger, it makes them feel young again. She makes weird comments about how much attention I get and how much attention she doesn’t get. Clingy tends to come out when two peoples ideals on that don't balance, are not meshed and a compromise cannot be found. I’ve been friends with her for a while, but most recently she started calling me and texting me more. So, my(22F) best friend(21F) is mad at me because I'm unable to text her throughout the day?? we usually text during the day but lately I feel like she is a bit clingy. (This Steve is actually very nice and non-clingy and thinks it would be funny. One of my friends and her husband live in the same neighborhood as my husband and I - a couple streets over from us. We are both in our early 30s, both single. I have a long-time friend (15-16 years at this point) who has gotten extremely clingy the older we get, and it’s driving me crazy! I’m extremely introverted and always have been. She said "Just let me be here I wont talk I'll just sit here. I [30F] have a friend [27F] who we’ll call Kim who is the definition of a clingy friend. Be careful. Over the next several months, Jamie started to become very clingy. We're really different people. I was an easy target for bullies, and had very few friends. Their dynamic is very tense for multiple reasons, but both of them feel really really in character. Now I don't mind sharing food, but you gotta ask cuz I have a mealprep situation going on and eating my food means I'll have to cook again which is a pain in this ass when you work a full time job and have 2 parttime gigs on the side, so a little heads Attached by Amir Levine is a good book on the topic. I have a friend who has become increasingly clingy over the past few months. Everyday. We've been together for 4 months. She expects me to invite her to everything. I simply don't have them. I think the new friend got overwhelmed by his clinginess and boundary pushing and didn’t want to talk to him anymore. I realised my friend took the very little I have for myself in making it all about her and her issues. Her mom liked me when she first me too. [1] I do think I'll get a reply. He’s always very touchy and wants hugs. She’s a social butterfly. I call her "The Wife" because that's what it feels like sometimes. i understand i have enabled some of this behavior, but i feel prisoner when i try to do my own thing or focus on other friends. There are plenty of not-so-great or unhealthy ways to handle a clingy friend that I would not recommend — like ghosting them, or letting frustration pile up until you blow up at them one random Tuesday afternoon. Im asking this for a friend, she doesnt use reddit and this directly affects me because he is jealous when I talk to her. Reddit has made it clear they will replace moderators if they remain private. I have had clingy friendships. Your story checked out at 559 words. Then we had this other, kindof half-friend who was a Christian. Even though she’s shown no signs of it. He doesn’t have a job, is currently learning a trade. She’s a SAHM so I’m glad she has a friend and I like the friend. IF YES, yeah there are a LOT of people like your friend. and he keeps complimenting me, my looks, my voice, etc. His friend will call at all hours of the day/night, text thousands of times in a given week, and… TL;DR: I'm a student staying at my boyfriend's occasionally. Im ruining my friendship with my clingy "best friend" and i dont know what to fucking do. Firstly, I want to apologize for any mistakes made because English isn't my first language. We’ve only been together for 3 months but I’m honest when I say… I've known my autistic friend (we'll call him David) since high school. This friend has trouble staying alone with herself and constantly needs a company. I don't have any time left to myself and I feel like I'm suffocating. Despite having a boyfriend herself, Friend #2 doesn't make much effort to hang out with friends either so while I was empathetic, I was also confused . I sustained a severe concussion, broken neck, and had nerve damage. I am very confident in myself as a person, I think I'm pretty awesome :-) however I am not very confident in my relationships. To make matters worse she also forbids me from hanging out with my friends. Well, back to this friend. Obviously, I'm here in reddit posting, so things went okay for me, but this later came back to haunt me, ever since I started seriously dating my girlfriend. I am married now so it's mostly behind me, but I'm even this way with my friends in my mid-30s. I’m so bored without you”. When we were little I remember I once broke off the friendship because I felt like I was hanging out with my copycat: I kid you not, this girl would copy everything about me, from the way I dressed and spoke to my hobbies and likings. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate her and what she does for me and how much she cares. I had a female acquaintance who threatened, in writing, to commit suicide. Currently my closest friend is a 28M, who is my best friend's (currently working abroad) brother. Hi Reddit. My friend who was upset didn't want her around she wanted it to be just me and her, but the clingy friend just wouldn't go. My friend and I are classmates in college. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm uncomfortable, and my boyfriend's promises to address the issue haven't led to any change. Sometimes I think I am that friend but it's more like I get really excited about an event or a frienddate or whatever maybe once a month and then I'm annoying and clingy for one day. 10 votes, 14 comments. She became really touchy: laying in my lap, hugging me and not letting go for what seemed like hours, putting her arm around me for whole hour periods, stroking my hair, Rubbing my back, etc. You don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings by responding to her text to hang out with a snippy, “Why? I saw you this morning. A month after the wedding, I was back in my city working my boring sales job when I fell and hit my head. I constantly ask people to hang out or talk or whatever, always trying to interact and always prattling on about something. So I'm (19m) starting to get a little emotionally exhausted by my friend (19). I instinctively started thinking about getting into another relationship but after sitting alone at home writing my pitiful online dating profile I not only realized that I had become a shell of who I used to be—not pursuing my hobbies, friends, or I also went to someone for my speech. After a meeting with my therapist, my therapist suggested I find my happiness. I distance myself. While he was at work I'd sneak out and see friends in town. It's almost like having a jealous gf and I don't like that. And I asked help. It’s bugging me for a while and I think I have a right to be annoyed. We're not exactly living together, but it's in the process. 2. Approximately a year after we became friends, I started my junior year, I had just turned 16 and I made a new group of friends from another school. Mutual friend thinks this is the case as well. I guess. My free time is basically “our time” all the time. I want X to leave the home for our relationship to improve. Sep 17, 2010 · When a friend is extremely possessive and clingy, it's easy to become resentful. All stories must be kept short, with a maximum limit of 500 words and a minimum of three sentences. You very clearly stated your boundary and they trampled all over it. Fine; we don’t have to be the same to be friends. I, 27F, have had a 20 year long friend- also 27F. It it really helping me too! I've managed to get a job all on my own and my life has generally become more exciting and happy. She told me several times that she wanted to be my friend before we even knew each other, which kind of worries me a little bit because it makes me feel like she wants to hang out with me just for the sake of showing people that she has a Girl best friend who is very close to her and who she thinks is really cool. Don't get me wrong, these are super super nice things but it makes me feel suffocated . Posted by u/swayzecrazy69 - 13,866 votes and 480 comments I once had this group of friends, and there is this one friend of ours who everyone seemed to want to ditch. Wants to go for long hiking, then straight to some friend's house (we literally slept there the whole weekend), always wants to cuddle whenever I'm cooking, studying or even just reading. 100%. I wasn't allowed a car or a job so I had to walk the 3 miles into town. Since this is someone you don't know you can't know what they've got going on - perhaps they have serious mental health issues or borderline personality disorder. I've known her for almost 5 years now, and although I like her as a person, I want to meet more people and it's really hard when she gets suspicious of many of my friends. Ideally I only want to hang out with people once or twice a month. Don’t ghost her. And she said okay And I literally had a prettt good 3 weeks. My son is 14mo and my "attachment parenting" friend's son is 18mo. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver My friend is so lifeless, he wants to chat with me 24/7, i sometimes ghost him for a couple of days and he still keeps spamming me with pointless memes and videos even when I'm offline. Posted by u/dbzgal04 - 5 votes and 4 comments Jonah wanted to talk to me a lot and since my friends were busy taking pictures and doing bride-groom stuff, I was happy for the company. We met through my friend group. Now I met K for the first time a little while ago after normally my gf is a rly caring person and thinks about others quite a bit but around k it’s completely different she won’t even respond to me or her other friends and almost becomes “bitchy” around her. My girlfriend and I met each other about a year ago and she’s one of the best things to have ever happened to me. Hey - I have a very long-term friend who sends me messages like this on a semi-regular basis. My friend is a girl and she’s engaged to my best friend. I need friends that understand we're still friends even if I'm too busy to hangout or our schedules just don't line up for a while. I am more of introvert and need my space and since I am a working individual (so is she) I do not have energy to socialize during weekdays. She threw a fit whenever I just silenced her and got angry when I wouldn’t let her stay the night 3/7 days of the week… I just had to cut her off. A clingy friend I don't really know where to start with this one but I have a friend who suffers from depression. This makes me clingy to her, constantly wanting to talk to her and not being able to disconnect myself from my phone or her. Also, to avoid any confusion, I'm female. I called the non-emergency p My wife and I have been married about a year, together 5 years. This guy approached the other guy and was all like "these guys don't want to hang out with you any more. if you’re that age it might be hard to navigate a conversation of how you feel because you don’t want to make her feel bad or have there be repercussions for sharing your emotions so you may feel its best to just deal with it. I rarely get a day off, and when I do, I just want to collapse. The issue is that I can’t disconnect myself without my anxiety going full panic mode for hours if not days. I see how i was acting and have vowed to keep a balance between my friends and gf now. She tries to embarrass me in front of men. She's been speaking to someone online and he isn't the chattiest during the day, he usually texts her at night and she's been complaining that she's lonely throughout the day. Clingy / Distant are one side of a spectrum and well balanced / happy / healthy are the other. This happens maybe once every second month. It's like she's babying me and it makes me feel like she's my servant. She's also extremely anxious and very, very melodramatic so even something not so bad will be made into a catastrophe that she expects me to hold her hand through. My boyfriend has a close friend who is extremely clingy and touchy. edit: grammar. My boyfriend's best friend is very very clingy. 1. She calls me a lot as well, though I usually don’t pick up or if I do, I keep the conversation short. So with that information it doesn't seem like I'm being singled out. At first, she seemed really nice and sweet and I genuinely enjoyed our conversations. At a restaurant she'll roll up my sleeves. Clingy friend My wife’s friend is coming around to our house too often. He saw on my Snapchat that I smoked weed and drank with them and he told me that I’ve changed. And I was just in her city with my mom! So that means I would have to spend 4 hours driving today!). We hang out at least 3 times a week, usually him starting contact, mostly at my place, though we've gone out a few times as well. I know my wife is having a hard time since she's not a screen person. I tend to be clingy towards friends and boyfriends. In fact, a common theme with Gertrude is her trying to spend constant time with me. I'd like to share my toxic friend story. I like spending a lot of time alone or with only my husband. X doesn't understand my disabilities even though on multiple occasions I've tried to explain them to him in a very simple form. As frustrating as it can be, try not to take your irritation out on her. We live together. " Like NO My friend doesn't want you to hear her problems she's very insecure about people knowing her secrets. Best girl friend for years. She has been going through a tough health journey recently and I wanted to be there for her. /r/FriendshipAdvice is the place to get advice for friendship, whether it be saving a failing friendship, making friends, or just general advice! In my experience, clingy friends tend to be very passive aggressive/extreme as wellhow dare you not text them back in thirty seconds, how dare you want to spend your one day off this week catching up on housework, and watching TV by yourself with your dog, and going to bed early, and they're going to blow up your phone and throw a tantrum if Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. I have this friend (28M) who I met in college. One girl almost lost me some of my actual friends because she badmouthed me to so many people after I told her straight up that she clearly had no interest in taking any of my advice and I wasn't going to waste my energy talking to someone who wasn't listening. I (21, non-binary) made a new friend (22, F) and we have been talking for about a month and a half now. So much so that her own boyfriend questions if she likes my boyfriend or not. My mom would transfer me money now and again without him knowing (until she found me work making jewelry for a company she knew). He's coming at my workplace. That is my thinking. He wanted to hold my hand when he felt stressed in crowded places. It made me more depressed . I never held a guy's hand, except my father's. I'm not the type of person who opens up or cares for new people, but he made efforts to get to know me and was generally nice. Right now, I’m away from where we live on a vacation with my family. and then moves on to do whatever, as i will "always be here". I like to be alone most of the time. She seemed relatively confident and sure of herself, which was a good quality to have in a friend. Example #2: Friend #2, who has been friends with her best friend for almost as long as I've been friends with Friend #1, recently expressed missing her friend who got a boyfriend. Always bin the weird kid, people often misunderstand me, im not very social and i dont like many people around me. I hate hugging people. I suspect some of my friends would describe me as clingy, though. I've been going to school full-time, along with having a job where I work around 30 hours a week. I just hate her entitled attitude, she never asks for anything just demands it, I'm not allowed saying no. I have a friend who I used to text everyday, we used to talk about football (soccer), but now I stopped watching football and told him to stop sending me football stuff and he did stop, but after we stopped talking about football he keeps on trying to force a conversation and he keeps spamming me with unfunny meme that I don't give a shit about. . My son is coming home complaining of his friend not allowing him to play with any other kids without butting in. And she takes offense if I make plans without her. Rarely sees friends. After high school, I was forced to step into adulthood quickly and I found peace in independence and structure. they require so much & it can be draining. My friends will survive. Back then, I had time to include him in my life outside of school, but lately, things have changed. “Hey, you're really cool and all. My ICK is POSSESSIVE FRIENDS,” I’m a hummingbird I love all the flowers,but some try to grab my tiny feet!” I posted that on my ENFP rant hahaha I’m currently having issues w an intrusive clingy friend. So me and this girl (both F25), have known each other since we were toddlers, and have been friends on and off since then. I just got out of a five and a half year relationship that was going nowhere and this has been a huge revelation. I’m thinking about texting a friend, but i know it’s not good to do so at this hour. " To be honest thinking about that now makes me cringe. In 8th grade, I met a girl in my Bollywood Dance Class. Many of my friends i have now i have met through hockey and recreational activities. What annoys me the most is that he seems to separate me from his other friends, he doesn't put us in the same category - he'll say stuff like "I'm hanging out with my friends right now but text me whenever you want and we can do something!". I feel like I'm obligated to spend every waking moment I have to him - and I don't like this. She even asked my boyfriend to abandon me for her, a lot. Then she started calling me daily sometimes twice a day (most of the conversations are about herself) and I started to feel suffocated. When she's in my apartment she goes through my shit and even eats my food out of the fridge. ” I am more of introvert and need my space and since I am a working individual (so is she) I do not have energy to socialize during weekdays. I've lost interest in her romantically, now when I see her I get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and I can't even look her in the eye. I also don't like constant text/call communication with my friends. He threatened to tell my parents and then said that he wanted to kill himself. It was completely unexpected. My boyfriend (20M) has been getting pretty clingy as of late. I notice he started to ask more about my day, my class, my social life, even my health. For context, me and four friends all had babies around the same time (within about six months of each other) and the babies are all between 12-18 mo. I didn't find this annoying, until now. They're all single, and they all live in different states anyway so even when things reopen we'll all still be hanging out online. We've only been close friends for under two years, but due to the nature of our class schedules, we see each other every weekday at least once or twice (sometimes all our classes will be with each other), and we're also involved with running some similar activities. It would explain alot my action but not all. I (29 F) have a friend (28 F) that’s been making me feel like she’s not really my friend. He's way more extroverted then me, and I'm your usual introvert. He complained about how a friend he made recently ghosted him and avoided him at work. sometimes we cuddle too much or he gives me too Hello r/relationships!. I have in the past and they are exhausting and stressful. Kim messages me all day every day, multiple times a day whether I reply to her or not. I used to be super antisocial and introverted but I've made it my goal to be independent and reach out of my comfort zone. He would try and guilt trip me about it which annoyed me because sleep is something that people need to do to survive. All this pent up energy has led me to dump this friend… Clingy Friend Story. My mind is up. 5 weeks. Often tries to guilt me into hanging out with her and tries to pull me into family drama. Have friends but I would like to expand as I am not anyone's first or second best buddy in thr group for a lack of better words. I won't go into details why, and I don't believe she was actually suicidal, but it wasn't worth the risk to stand by and do nothing. We've known each other for a long time already, but only started getting closer in the last year. She is a really good friend and she’s always been there for me when I needed it. It's nothing really against you, I just feel like you're a little too attached and it's kinda smothering me. it’s been 5-6 years now and she was in a toxic relationship for all of them and she needed a lot of support and help through it, made me very involved in her relationship and called me a couple times a day for multiple hours each time, would ask for advice and then never take it, and Me F16 am in a friendgroup with M18, M17, M16 (my Bf) and M15. my love language is physical touch and gifts while his is physical touch and words of affirmation. To sum it up, he broke up with his girlfriend last year, and I think because of that, he's being way clingy now. It’s different in that we’ve been in-person friends for half our lives (although long distance right now), but I recently found that saying this piece out loud is what gets her to understand my intentions. In the last several months she's gotten quite clingy. Let me provide some background: My friend is a great guy, and we've been close for about 8 months now. It's likely that your friend doesn't feel good about the way she is acting either. Bonded with an old acquaintance about 2 months ago over a shared interest and now this person thinks they're my best friend. The second woman was my friend for much longer, and is still my friend today. I am starting to lose my patience with my male friend(I am female) and am looking for advice. tl;dr: Everything is important because it takes my personality and background into question but the gist of it is - a lot of things have caused me to question if I am a clingy girlfriend but the thing that set me off is that boyfriend's best friend will be in town from another country. 1000%. He also sees me as one of his closest friends even though he is at most an acquaintance to me. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. 115 votes, 28 comments. The type where when I met a new friend at a school event that I was at with my clingy friend, she got mad and didn't speak to me for months. You need to block them. Do most hobbies together and it works for them. I know my best friend for almost 9 years, and we have a pretty good relationship. true. Any advice on how to become less clingy and potentially more desirable as a friends. I care about them and value our friendship, but I need some space and would like to establish boundaries. However, lately, he has been wanting to spend a lot of time with my family and me (wife and kids). I’ve rejected hangouts with him multiple times and he still won’t get the hint. At any point in our relationship, when I crossed a line by acting jealous of other people, or pouted that we had to invite other people, she was BRUTALLY honest and shut me down. The first time was Innocen, he was just laying on me, or hugging me. After being in toxic relationships in the past, she really showed me how a partner is supposed to love you. I told him that it made me uncomfortable and talked about some of the rude and disrespectful things that she was doing (posts on his fb wall, touchi Not clingy duo centric, but If You Need Somewhere Safe by random_on_main has one of my favorite representations of clingy duo ever. I love my Bf very much, we are togheter for over a year, but something happend and idk how to tell him. She doesnt have any other friends, so she quickly assigned me the title "best friend" and I, as the stupid kid that I was, went along with it getting overly enthusiastic. She often hugs me hard, and she gets anxious if I'm acting differently or like I'm not listening to what she's saying. This is to the detriment of the housework, the kids diet and what time food ends up being put on the table and even the amount of messages they send each other. We'll be at home after work or on weekends and it seems like she's always clamoring for my time and attention. However, sometimes I just want to have some time away, and just take a break from my loved ones. I had resigned myself to a life of being single; then this girl suddenly came into my life, we became friends, and ended up in a relationship. FYI, coming from a man, that is also friends with many other men, generally speaking, if a man is initially romantically interested, and you make clear your not interested and they still stick around, they never stopped being romanticly interested. I am introverted even by most introvert’s standards. I really like my friend but she's become extremely clingy to the point where I feel like she's offloading responsibility for all her feelings onto me. Despite my many attempts to include her, she would only ever talk to me at our hangouts, forcing me to spend all my time with her. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The friend could have thought things were going so well before and is probably really hurt/confused about why OP doesn't want to hang out anymore with NO EXPLANATION. If there is anything unclear, please ask away. my advice if r/parenting is protesting changes being made by Reddit to the API. A good way to meet people and friends is to join a sport, or take up a hobby where you have to meet up with a group every week. Been going through something very similar lately. But I feel like we need some space from each other. via GIPHY. Hey Reddit, I'm looking for some advice on how to establish boundaries with a friend who has been displaying clingy behavior. He even began to be a bit too touchy. My gf got mad at me and one of my friends because my friend would text me occasionally. I had a friend who would get upset and talk about how he wanted to die whenever I wanted to get offline and go to sleep, we lived in different countries so the time zones were completely different. A reminder of the rules for posting and commenting on our sub: This sub is strictly platonic and SFW, any users after anything romantic or sexual will be banned, this includes users that interact with NSFW subs. She is very forgiving and didnt think much of how he was acting but shes getting frustrated lately. When I became friends with my clingy person I was so willing to do whatever for her so she HATED when I made boundaries, but it’s worth a try. We have been friends for 2 years, and he has become increasingly clingy with me over the past 6 months. She spends a lot of time scrolling through instagram though, she says it helps her feel connected. She's known for a while that I've had a job at this certain place. Don’t get angry at her. Super-close friendships are one thing—but feeling like someone is all up in your grill all the time is another, and it can get suffocating. I (23F) became friends (21F) with someone I met through mutual friends. Just to check in and arrange to get together. Male here. ) And next time he wants to sell you that he's going to kill himself, take him seriously. His friend X practically lives with him, contributes nothing, and My bf prioritizes time with X over our relationship. I just made a post that is about an ICK. I had long talks with the few friends I had left and my mom. My current "friend" problem is a super sweet young lady I met a few months ago. How to deal with clingy friend. he’s a little tiny teeny bit clingy. At this point I feel like I’m in too deep to cut him off. I’ve been trying as much as I can to help them through this because it was rough, however all of their cling has been shifted onto me. I do care about him, but it's a very frustrating situation and his best friends who have been friends with him since they were kids are ignoring him because of how intense he is. She and him have been friends for around 4 years, and the last two years he has become very clingy to her. Within the first two weeks, I noticed some clingy behavior from her, as she Jun 7, 2024 · Does your friend only occasionally act clingy or is she constantly trying to claim your full attention? Figuring out how serious and recurring her need for your attention is can help you decide what the next step should be. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for her to be close with her friends but it’s only with one girl that I’m going to call K. And to do it with me is something I am very uncomfortable. Plus that would mean ditching my mom, which is an awful thing to do! TL;DR: My friend is super needy, she constantly wants to hang out. wmgndmsl xaz jjgr deuwci ukweq xjew omfwkvv mfnx puhnz bnhc